learn Korean TOPIK with EASY TOPIK book

Seemile Easy TOPIK 1

Kang Jeong Hee

ㆍEasy explanation of the grammar, pronunciation rules, and characteristics of the Korean language for learners without a strong background in the Korean language

ㆍDetailed explanations of core grammar and expressions for each TOPIK 1 question type and provision of example sentences so that learners can quickly learn and apply key concepts in a wide range of situations

ㆍA clear, easy book written by a Korean language professor who has taught the TOPIK to international students in Korea for many years

ㆍProfessionally translated into English to ensure that English speakers can easily understand and learn all included content

ㆍListening and reading parts divided into 16 question types with suggested strategies for finding the correct answer to each type

ㆍExplanations on the 64th TOPIK 1 test that include key grammar points, vocabulary, pronunciation, and expressions to help learners understand and familiarize themselves with question patterns

ㆍThree practice tests included so that learners can practice taking the test in advance, complete with audio files for listening questions and explanations of the correct answers to the practice questions

ㆍWordbook consisting of over 1,600 vocabulary words that frequently appear on the TOPIK 1 test with additional vocabulary audio files available for download at www.seemile.com/downloaded/topik1/words